Years ago, several of my partners and I taught a class about kink and polyamory, for a kink group in Roanoke, Virginia. 

One of the cooler things we did was a sort of visual food metaphor I call Poly Spaghetti.


Here's how you do it.  

You get a bunch of people from the audience to hold different colors of rope, one at each end.  So you might have, say, Fred hold Rita's orange rope, because he's her daddy.  She on the other hand, is holding both that orange rope, as well as a blue one, linking her with Nancy, who is her slave.  Nancy in turn has Rita's blue rope, and a green one linking her to Norbert, her lover, and another going to Dave, her baby.  Dave is considering sharing a rope with Fred.   

Sounds awfully confusing right?   Let me help by asking some important questions:

Let's say that Nancy, from the example above, has a terrible day at work, takes a sick day, and has to then go into work over the weekend to finish a project, meaning she has to skip dinner with Fred and Rita, can't meet Norbert for coffee, and is going to need Dave to change his own diaper when he wakes up Saturday morning. 

Who is affected by Nancy's actions?  Who is she accountable to? 

The answers are:

Everyone Nancy has emotional ties to, or plans with are affected by her actions and choices. 

She's ultimately accountable to (and responsible for) herself. 

Power exchange, dominance and submission, and kink can make these waters seem awfully muddy sometimes.  But in the end, good healthy relationships start with good emotional health and well-being for oneself. 

Which is why this morning, many years later, I have an addendum to the poly spaghetti.   

I am the sauce of my own happiness.   

I'll throw myself under the bus for my own poly example.  I'm down at my partner Maya's house.  She's very not a morning person.  Neither is my wife, Missy.  I made the very sensible choice of not in-person or remotely-via-technology trying to wake them up.  What I did do was greet my partner Squee over Skype (who also wasn't up yet, but she actually wants me to do this), catch up my blog, and hang out with the lovely folks over in the Big Little Podcast slack.   

Later, when Squee was up, we connected and affectionately noodled with one another, and it felt great.  I feel wonderfully content, and emotionally self-regulated.   

Man, this is some good sauce. 


AuthorMako Allen

I was just thinking that every time I feel any sort of emotional pain it's because of some expectation I have or have had. "That shouldn't happen to me" or "That shouldn't happen to anyone" or "I need this to happen/be true"

Can you think of times when you have been sad, disappointed, anxious, nervous, or angry that WERE NOT tied to an expectation?

Leave me a comment, tell me about it. That would be great. Not that I'm expecting  you to. No pressure! 

AuthorMako Allen
CategoriesDaily Think
2 CommentsPost a comment

Since I'm off today, and catching up my blog, I wanted to share something I've been noodling about for days.

A few days ago, Missy, my sister-in-law, and my not-sure-what-you-call-your-great-nephew's-other-grandmother-from-Japan went out for lunch to restaurant on a pier off Anna Maria Island.

The restaurant is several hundred yards off the shore, right at the end of the pier, surrounded by water.  It's really nice.  As you eat you get to watch the ocean, where sometimes dolphins and sharks pop up out of the water.  (Yes, some dolphins did, it was awesome.  No, no sharks did.  Wrong time of day for it.)

You also get a window seat to view people fishing.

We saw a man and a boy fishing together, right in front of us.  The man hooked a fish, reeled it in, cut the line, and dropped it to the pier.  This is where my contemplation on cruelty comes from.

The fish lay there, flopping about, struggling, asphyxiating, and slowly dying.  The man didn't care.  It was nothing to him.  At one point, it went flopping away down the pier, and he rushed to catch it, and bring it back.  Then he threw it down on the deck, and stood on it, while he kept fishing.

I was horrified.

I didn't say anything to Missy, but she could see the look on my face.  We talked about it some. Let me be clear on some things: I'm an omnivore.  I eat fish, and chicken, and beef.  I don't think it's wrong or immoral to be an omnivore.  

I did do some furious googling to see if I could find any scientific research on whether fish feel pain.  (There are conflicting opinions about this.)  I did ever so briefly flirt with the idea of becoming a vegetarian (as I have been previously).  I ate my mahi-mahi sandwich, we had a lovely time, and eventually left.

But it got me thinking.  What was it that really bothered me about the whole thing.  It was the cruelty.  I think I would have preferred it if the fisherman had put the fish into a cooler filled with water, or perhaps (gruesome as this sounds) slammed it against the side of the pier, to end its life quickly, instead of just letting it lay there, dying slowly.

I don't like cruelty.  I don't want to practice it, nor do I want to be around it.

I'm not talking about cruelty as its used in d/s relationships.  That's a different thing.  Two or more consenting parties agree to enjoy some gourmet suffering.  

But the garden variety cause-suffering-in-others-and-not-care-about-it kind is a no-no for me.  I want as little to do with it as possible.  I don't want to cause it, I don't want to participate in it.  

It's why recently I've stopped following a lot of politically minded folks on social media, why I don't lend my voice to anger and rhetoric.  Certainly I have political opinions, everyone does.  I'll vote.  That's enough for me.  

I'm not interested in being a political combatant on social media.  I've seen that same thing make a lot of people I know very upset.  I've watched close friends make each other feel like complete shit over their disagreements on an issue.  Yuck.  

It's not just political stuff on my mind, either.  

I found out through someone close recently that an acquaintance of mine thinks I'm an asshole.  Said acquaintance isn't someone I see often.  I can count on one hand the number of times we've been in the same place at the same time over the past few years.  

After finding out why he doesn't like me, I can even see it.  I get his side of the story.  He didn't like a choice I made a while back, that indirectly impacted him.  I didn't mean to make him feel slighted, or put out.  I was just making my own best choice at the time, a choice I still stand behind.  Sometimes, you make choices that make people unhappy.  

For me, It's really no big deal at all.

Not so much for this guy.  Years later, he's got his shorts in a bunch over it.  When I first found this out, I was angry for maybe 5 seconds.  I know I'm going to see this guy again.  I got to thinking about what, if anything I would say or do about my knowledge that he dislikes me.

I think the answer, for me, is to do nothing at all.  

What interests me about all this stuff is the relationship between them.  Sometimes, we're cruel to other people (or animals) without even being aware of it.  Clearly, I've been.  

It's on my radar, part of my practice, to be gentle, to be kind, as much as I can to anyone and everyone.  

AuthorMako Allen
CategoriesDaily Think

Saw a really smart tweet this morning.

@AliceDreger said "One of my best profs said to me once: "If you haven't changed your mind lately, how do you know it is working?" That changed my mind."

@AliceDreger said "One of my best profs said to me once: "If you haven't changed your mind lately, how do you know it is working?" That changed my mind."

That's got me thinking.  Certainty is a form of expectation, isn't it? Maybe it's a kind of "should"? I suppose that it's a tool of convenience at times.  "If I get in the shower, and the water's too hot, I should get burned."  But at other times, I can see where certainty is a big obstacle.  "Since I haven't gone running for a while, it should be really hard to get going again." or how about "If someone is of a certain political/religious/social/whatever stance, they should think the following..."

How hard is it really to go back to beginner's mind, to shoshin, and spot-check the things you're certain about? What do you lose or gain by doing so? 

I don't have any answers here, I'm just thinking out loud.


AuthorMako Allen
CategoriesDaily Think
4 CommentsPost a comment

In my interactions with other age players I sometimes run across folks who get really agitated at the idea that being little is a kink or fetish. They protest that that somehow taints or cheapens their existence. 


They protest loudly that unlike sexual ageplayers, this isn't something they DO, instead it's how they ARE, a function of their being. 

Consequently, these protestations have a way of making people who read them REALLY ANGRY.  Heck, I've been one of the people irritated by these "do-bees."

I got to thinking about this recently.  Just what is it that makes this posture so aggravating? 

I think it's several, separate things:

1) There's a sort of presumptuousness in the evaluation, "I *am* this, unlike you, who *do* this." 

Statements like this say that the speaker knows and understands the other person to a level of intimacy that's frankly impossible, or at least patently offensive. "You who do this, do it for these reasons, in these ways."

It's a bit like someone bursting into your home, to judge how you have decorated it, and tell you why you chose what you did. It's rude to even attempt to do so, and a valueless proposition at best.

Unwittingly, they turn a statement meant to be about themselves, into a statement about ME.  No thanks. 

2) It encourages a needless, and reductive tribalism. "So are you one of my people, or the other kind?"  

First, people are immensely complex. Plus, we evolve over time. 

My wife, for example, never tried sushi before we were together. It's still not her favorite thing. But, at my request, she has tried it and even found a few things she really likes.  Now if we happen to go to a place that ONLY has sushi, she knows she can eat something. 

Having said that, she still vastly prefers almost anything to sushi. But that's up to her to define, not me or anyone else. 

It's not that my wife ISN'T a sushi person, and I AM, so we cannot peaceably coexist. We're each responsible for who and what we are and how we co-exist. 

We CAN go get sushi, or just as easily go do something we like equally.  She loves Peruvian chicken, so I'm happy to go eat that with her sometimes too. 

Tribal binaries imply that's not possible. Either you're A or B, period. All A's are alike, as are all B's.  Forever. 

The truth is, I'm NOT a sexual ageplayer vs a nonsexual one. I reject the very binary.  I'm myself. 

Some of what I do is very sexual. Some isn't. Even those things change situationally. A spanking can be foreplay, outright sex, punishment, or even just cathartic release for me. 

Being told I'm part of a faction I don't even acknowledge exists drives me crazy. The message it drives home to me is that the other person saying it has reduced me to a stereotype. 

It's somewhat like saying all Italian people have the same complexion, or that people from New Jersey are all fast talkers with a grating accent.

I find it grating to be stereotyped, and even for people to stereotype themselves.  It sort of gives a big giant middle finger to the possibility that people can, and often do, change over time. 

3) It stinks of privilege.

When someone says they ARE something versus that they DO something, they also imply that in order to interact with them, YOU are required to know about it, and to act accordingly. 

"Here are the rules that keep me happy, and from being offended.  Please study them, so that you don't cause me any trouble."


There's a certain social contract in place between adults members of society.  We agree to give each other respect in our shared spaces.  We cross at crosswalks.  We wait in lines.  Generally we don't talk during movies at the cinema.  We know to chew with our mouths closed.  

There's a kind of humility to it.  "I, who am no less nor more than you, will do what is needed to coexist with you, peacefully."

But these other folks, the ones who ARE something, instead of DO something, perhaps send a different message.  "You must interact with me in this way I say I am."

To be fair, they're welcome to do so.  But I'm just as welcome then to choose not to interact with them.

Now to be fair, this isn't a simple binary.  Remember, I'm not a fan of them, right?  

I know some folks who consider their kink identity a significant part of their identity in general.  I have this one friend, who's a brilliant professor, a gifted writer, and is also the slave of another woman.  She eats, speaks, sleeps, and generally acts the way her owner tells her to.  

I see this friend fairly often.  We're good friends.  We move in the same circles.  The fact that she's owned by her owner is never something that's shoved in my face.  I'm not told that I'm weird for not being owned by someone.  The particular conditions of her identity which require her to act mindfully about it never get in my way.  She might not have ice cream when we get lunch together, and maybe will say she isn't allowed.  Sometimes we discuss my writing, which can be spectacularly filthy.  In the context of saying that a particular phrase or word works well, or could be better, she will use language she's not otherwise allowed to use.  It can make for some funny, blush-worthy situations.  

My friend LIVES what she DOES.  But I'll have to ask her if she thinks that it IS what she is, and how that compares.  

Having said all this, is this little essay of mine a rant? Am I asking the do-bees to do differently?  No, that's not my purpose at all.  I just think it's fascinating to contemplate why that position is so inciting of anger, and response.  I've recently had a run in with a particularly passionate "do-bee", and it left me wondering how I might deal with those sorts of situations in the future.  I think my best option is to respectfully, firmly, and compassionately state my disagreement, and my desire to not continue any sort of debate about it.

AuthorMako Allen
CategoriesDaily Think