I’m sitting at my gate at the airport, waiting for my flight home from Spacey’s funeral.

I feel calm this morning, safe.

The weekend was hard, very very hard but also good.

Sister and I spoke about him and in a way for him, at the funeral, at the viewing, and in all the little times and places that other mourning people sought solace and comfort.

I made deep connections with PowerFlower and her lovely husband. She spoke at the service too, in a deep and mighty way.

Between us we gently but firmly cradled everyone there and sort of shook the rafters.

It felt good.

And we spent quality time wrapping Mae in the warm loving embrace that is the continuance of our family during such an abrupt and painful departure.

This morning as ‘flower and Mr. Flower (he’s going to need a nickname too and shortly, I’m leaning into “Donuts”) drove me to the airport I got a powerful message from my brother:


Love what was, and hold onto it, yes. But also, welcome new love and joy and connection and growth into my life, my heart, my day.

I hear you brother.

AuthorMako Allen