pizza pan.jpg

So I had this realization today. It was after work, I was home, and chatting with my friend Bunny. She’s like me, an age player, who also has a service relationship with her big, her Daddy. We were talking about the nature of service, doing chores, and how it makes us feel.

I was cleaning the kitchen as we chatted, taking breaks to snap off a quick response to her as I went. I had finished loading the dishwasher when I sent this:

It’s hard work for her to take care of me, because in a way, I’m a boy who never grows up, never will. So it’s really important that I actually do grow in some ways, however I can.

Become a better listener, become well behaved, actually respond to, learn from, and be shaped by the way she disciplines me. I think one of the pivotal differences between play and service is taking it seriously.

After that, I saw that while I had loaded the dishwasher, and set it running, there were still dishes left over, including a big pizza pan which really doesn’t fit well in there anyhow.

so I washed that sucker by hand, as well as the rest of the things which hadn’t yet been cleaned. I dried them and put them away. The kitchen is sparkling like the top of the Chrysler Building, as the expression goes.

And I feel like I’m making my best effort to be the very best behaved boy I can be for my mama. It feels damn good.

AuthorMako Allen