Yesterday, I had the good fortune of an unexpected day off.

I used it to get together with my good-friend and book-editor-for-life, Lauren.

We did what we always do when we get together: have sushi and tea.

It was really good oolong tea.

I adore Lauren.  She's been my good, trusted friend for years.

She had recently bought a house with her partner, and I got to be the first of her friends to see it.  It's super nice.  

We are the sort of friends who trust one another with anything and everything.  She, for example, has seen my books when they're a jumbled, grammatically substandard mess, and helped me both tighten-and-dirty-them up.  

I, on the other hand, get to see her house when she's still putting it together.  It was actually really funny, she texted me shortly before I got there, to come on in, and right upstairs, because she'd still be cleaning when I got there.

She didn't happen to mention that she would also be completely naked, too, because she would be cleaning their enormous shower.  (Seriously, that shower is a thing of beauty that I very much want to use.)

I pop on into the house, call out to her that I'm there, and head upstairs.  She jumped, just the teeniest bit, but told me to come on in.  And we hung out, and talked books, and our lives, and just caught up.

While she was naked.  I did mention that part, right?  The funny, awesome thing is that it was no big deal.  Like, not at all.  It was nothing.  Because this is the sort of friends we are.  We bare our souls to one another.  

If you're wondering, yes, she's seen me naked too.  We have hung out together places where that's the general dress code. 

Maybe hung out is a poor choice of words.  Oh well.

Anyhow, then we went and got great sushi together.  She did put some clothes on beforehand.

This morning she sent me this awesome picture of a fish tank.

It's really nice having friends who get me.


AuthorMako Allen
Categories365 Gratitude