Pema Chödrön is a Buddhist monk, author, and speaker.  She wrote this amazing book, When Things Fall Apart.  


The book is about the all too common mistakes we make in the west, dealing with pain and suffering.   She offers another way.

It's not a religious book, but a book about thinking.  It's about how we think, what we think, and how we can approach it differently.  

It's brilliant.  

I'll warn you that it can be a very upsetting book. When I first read it, I realized I had been needlessly torturing myself for about 20 years over some aspects of how I see myself, who I think I am.   

When I realized it, I locked myself in a bathroom and sobbed into my hands for about half an hour.  

Then I realized I was still torturing myself.  I laughed, washed my face, and felt much better.  

I won't tell you that since then I never torture myself. That would be nonsense.  Often are the times when I condemn myself for eating poorly, making bad choices, being lazy or selfish.  

Then I remember. I do as Pema teaches, turn into the pain, really look at it, and myself, with compassion and brutal, unflinching honesty. 

It's not easy. But it is worthwhile. Afterward, I feel like I've scrubbed myself raw, like I'm new, smooth, and unblemished.  

In those moments, I see the truth. Being alive is beautiful. 

I'm so grateful for Pema and what her book has taught me.  


AuthorMako Allen